Un ynfyd wyf heb fedru dim

Un ynfyd wyf, heb fedru dim,
Tlawd, gwan, a llesg,
    llaith a dirym;
  Yn llawn o ddygn dywyllwch du,
  Ac anwybodus iawn o'r bru.

Y grās, a'r hedd,
    a'r purdeb oll,
Row'd im' yn Eden, aeth ar goll;
  Ni ffeindia i bellder,
      tra fwy byw,
  Fy hen 'madawiad gynt a Duw.

Ym mh'radwys llithrais innau'n llyn
'Rwy'n profi'r effaith hyd yn hyn;
  O'r nefoedd llithiwyd fi i'r llawr,
  'Mherffeithrwydd collais mewn un awr.

'R cre'duriaid mān nid aeth mor bell,
Eu braint cadwasant lawer gwell;
  Gyd yn eu lle'n rhoi
      i'w Harglwydd glod,
  O ddechrau'r byd
      heb bechu erioed.

Pa'm cyfyd hunan ynwy'n hwy?
P'odd maidda balchder i mi mwy?
  Pa'm tybia i mod yn rhyw beth gwych?
  Myfi'r pechadur saela ei ddrych.

Rhyfeddu 'rwyf, rhyfeddaf byth
Na buaswn 'nawr
    mewn 'ffernol nyth;
  Rhyfeddaf fwy os f'enaid ddaw
  Trwy'r d'rysni,
      mewn i'r nefoedd draw.

Rhyfeddu wnaf im' ddyfod byth,
Trwy demtasiynau rif y gwlith,
  A gweled myrdd mewn pydew du,
  Gynt dybiais fod yn well nā mi.

Rhyfeddai'r arfaeth sownd ddigryn,
Tragwyddol gyngor Tri yn Un,
  A'm cadwodd ar y llwybr cul,
  Ynghanol gwrthgiliadau fil.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MH 8888]

  Troseddodd Adda pen pob dyn
  Y gras yr hedd a'r purdeb oll

A foolish one am I, unable to do anything,
Poor, weak, and feeble,
    timid and powerless;
  Full of dire black darkness,
  And very ignorant from the womb.

The grace, and the peace,
    and all the purity,
Given to me in Eden, went lost;
  I shall not find the distance,
      while ever I live,
  Of my old departure once from God.

In paradise I slipped thus
I am experiencing the effect even now;
  From heaven I slipped down to the ground,
  Perfection I lost in one hour.

The small creatures that did not go far,
Their privilege they kept much better;
  All in their place giving
      acclaim to their Lord,
  From the beginning of the world
      Without ever sinning.

Why does self rise in me any longer?
How will pride strike for me any more?
  Why I wonder am I somewhat splendid?
  I the sinner of the poorest appearance.

Wondering I am, I shall wonder forever
That I should not be now
    in an infernal nest;
  I shall wonder more I my soul comes
  Through the entanglement,
      into heaven yonder.

Wonder I shall that I ever come,
Through temptations numerous as the dew,
  And see a myriad in a black pit,
  Whom I once supposed were better than me.

I wonder at the firm unshakeable purpose,
The eternal counsel of Three in One,
  That kept me on the narrow path,
  Amidst a thousand backslidings.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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